Saturday, 3 March 2012

Iron Lady review

     If you liked Margaret Thatcher"s time as prime minister of Great Britain,roughly 1979 to 1990, you'll like the movie "The Iron Lady"  starriung Meryl Streep as Thatcher. But suppose you didn't like the things that her Conservative government did. Then you might not like the movie at all. To recap part of her prime minister, Thatcher slahed many government services, sometimes to the bone. It doled out big tax breaks to the rich. It downsized other services and closed down whole parts of the coal mining industry, which involved smashing the coalminers union. It abolished the government of the London because it defied the conservative government. Then with her popularity falling in the early days of her rule, Thatcher declared war on the Argentine government when it invaded the Falklands Islands of the Argentinian coast. The British won the war, albeit at the cost of many dead, but this boosted Thatcher's popuklarity and enabled her to win the national election in l983."There is no alternative", Thatcher declared to those who objected to her tough rule. In any cae, in l990 the Iron lady as the Soviets named her went too far. She brought in a poll tax that fell as heavily on the poor as the rich. Riots and protests ensued and the Tories threw their leader out and went on to win the next election. "where there is despair may we bring hope," Thatcher said at the beginning of her time in power.
     But Thatcher brought despair to the poorest third of Britain. She also in the end angered the middle class with her proposed  polltax. In the end protests threw her out of power.
      All of this or some of it is shown in the film.But the movie makes caricatures of the opposition Labour Party and  often only shows the working people as wild protestors. Meryl Streep is a great actor, and she does play a creditable  Margaret Tahtcher. I would give the makeup people in the background as great craftspeople
     But I didn't like the film. But if you enjoyed  the right wing agenda that she and Ronald Reagan's government carried out, then you'll like the film. I didn't like it but it does have power, no  question about that.

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