Wednesday, 17 October 2012

The Life of Jane continued

                           Life in London - Continued

         Don McWilliam was an American student that Jane met at a North American get together in London. He had dark hair and a clean shaven face. When he got up to go to the washroom, he towered over her. "I guess I'm about six foot three or four, " he told Jane after he sat down beside her again and she'd mentioned his height. "My father's as tall as I am, and my older brother's even taller. Anyway, what are you studying here Jane?"
     Jane was soon pouring out her story about her life in London. She complained about her small room and how disappointed she was with parts of London.
      "It's so big but some parts of it are so dirty. Plus things here are really expensive compared to back home," Jane said. "I'm not impressed with this place the way I thought I'd be. I've lived here before . But then I was only a child and I was with my family. And we were here for only about a year or less."
     "Oh it's big alright," Don said about London.  Then he filled Jane in on his background. Don came from a family of four, his brother, his parents and himself. He'd grown up in the prosperous suburb of Winnetka, in the Chicago area. "It's comfortable there that's for sure with lots of open spaces that I don't find here."
     "But there's some very interesting places here. It just takes time to get used to."
      Don was sharing an apartment with two other Americans. He was studying at the London School of Economics for a Ph.D or doctorate in Economics."I'm a great fan of Milton Friedman," Don continued. "I took a few of his classes at the University of Chicago. He's a great defender pf our American free enterprise system." Friedman, Don said , opened his eyes to the importance of economics. "If I hadn't taken any of his courses I wouldn't be here getting a Ph.D. I'd probably have been a college drop-out."
     As he spoke,  Don would smile at Jane revealing his small even teeth. He was 23 years old and had been living in London for the past three years. "I know parts of sthis city," he said brushing a few crumbs of a roll he was eating off of his dark sports jacket and blue jeans. His dark thick eyebrows above his brown eyes would often raise themselves when he smiled.
    Jane liked him. She realized how lonely she'd  been since soming to London.  Soon, they were a couple. Not long after that, they became lovers.

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