Thursday, 12 September 2013

One Violent Film

 'World War Z' . Starring Brad Pitt and Mireille EnosPitt. Directed by Marc Foster. Running time 116 minutes.

    "Zombie" says Wikopedia, "is an animated corpse raised by magical means such as witchcraft."
    But after the 1968 horror film 'Night of the Living Dead', zombies turned up in more modern versions. Now in 'World War Z' millions of humans turn into fightening zombies. Soon it seems all humans will be zombies and then where would we all be?
    But along comes Brad Pitt, the very famous partner of superstar Angela Jolie and saves the day and the world. Pitt in the film is United Nations employee Gerry Lane. His wife Karen Lane played by Mireille Enos, waits and waits for him to come back from his world saving mission and be with her and their two children again.
   "It's human nature," an Israeli big honcho tells Lane who goes to Israel to find out how they've kept zombies as well as Palestinian bombers out of their land.'World War Z' can frighten anybody and it sure scared me.
   Yet in the end it's a hymn of praise to battleships, the U.S armed forces and violence. I soon lost count of the number of zombies mowed down in this film by guns wielded by U.S soldiers and Brad Pitt.
     At film's end there's a Canadian connection too as a bearded, wounded and longhaired Lane re-unites with his wife and two daughters. Director Marc Foster and script writer Matthew Carnahan have turned out a competent thriller that was far better than another violent film, namely 'Man of Steel'.
    But the next film I go to I hope will be a quieter, less violent flick than "World War Z'. It had its moments but I need a rest from its blood and gore.

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