Wednesday, 13 November 2013

Second review of 'Blue Is The Warmest Colour'

    'Blue Is The Warmest Colour' Starring Adele Exarchopoulos and Lea Seydous. Directed by Abdellatif Kechiche. French with English subtitles.

    I don't usually add on anything to a review I've written. Yet the preceding review doesn't do complete justice to the film 'Blue Is The Warmest Colour'.
     This is a film about lesbians and lesbian love. At one point in the film when Adele played by Adele Exarchopoulos goes off from her school with Emma played by Lea Seydous, she comes back to the school at another time and gets harassed by her schoolmates. They think she's a lesbian and they're right.
      Now I don't know how many women are  lesbians. Yet I know one thing: I've seen many films and rarely do they show two lesbians having a love affair. At this point I'm sure there are quite a few films where women fall in love with each other, but I haven't seen any of these films show up at local theatres.
     So though I still think that 'Blue Is the Warmest Colour' is way too long I think also it's an exceptional film. I also hope that one day we'll see many films showing men falling in love with each other. That's another set up that doesn't show up at local theatres, too often if at all, and it's time that it did.
      "People aren't going to be going to local theatres too much longer to see movies," a friend of mine said recently. "They'll be watching them on their cell phones, i-Pods or computers." That's probably true, but wherever people watch films in the future I hope they'll be able to see films about gay and lesbian lovers.
    If ' Blue Is the Warmest Colour' helps make that happen then it'll have done a good job of  opening the eyes of movie star moguls to the idea that movies about same sex lovers can be popular.

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