What Women Said to Me by Dave Jaffe. Part Two.
My blog that you're reading also angered some women and they let me know it. "Stay away from me," one woman in her late 50's told me one day the street not far from where I live. This woman had read one of my blog sentries and it outraged her. She told me that I was anti-American and "full of hate and anger." I said nothing back to her except to tell her that I had no interest in talking to her ever again.
I put these outbursts by women down to the feminist movement. Now let me make two points about what and why these women said what they did. Most of what they said about me was true. I am an eccentric or "weird" if you want to use that word, I often copy or "appropriate" other people's work as fine art aficianados often say about duplicating other people's art products. At other times I have been pompous and overbearing.
Also the feminist movement is still around and that's good. It has liberated millions of women around the world and opened to them opportunities that never were there before say, 1975. Yet at the same time many women see the new power of women as an opportunity,as they used to say, "To let it all hang out." They now feel no restraints in saying what they don't like about men's actions.
"Women are sugar and spice and everything nice," some people used to say in the 1950's. This stereotype along with a whole lot of other stereotypes about women is now buried in the garbage cans of history. This is a definite step forward. Yet now as an old man I stay away from arguing with any woman. I've taken enough insults in my life. I don't wish for any more of them.
My treatment of women in my youth has come back to haunt me, and that I believe is only fair.
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